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Bevacizumab ed ipertermia

Recente studio sulla interazione tra Bevacizumab ed Ipertermia

 foto di provetteA lungo si è dibattuto il possibile ruolo dell'ipertermia in combinazione con i nuovi agenti a bersaglio molecolare antiangiogenetici (in particolare bevacizumab).

Nuovi lavori clinici vengono pubblicati a supporto dell'idea di sinergia di effetti e segnalo quello pubblicato nel Luglio 2012 sulla rivista internazionale Pathology and Oncology Research. Il lavoro è stato condotto presso il National Institute of Oncology in Ungheria (Budapest) e mette in evidenza come la combinazione ipertermia e bevacizumab abbia consentito di controllare con successo una singola metastasi ossea da tumore polmonare primitivo (NSCLC) sottoposto ad intervento chirurgico.

 Dr. Carlo Pastore

Pathol Oncol Res. 2012 Jul 3. [Epub ahead of print]

Successful Treatment of Solitary Bone Metastasis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer with Bevacizumab and Hyperthermia.

Rubovszky G, Nagy T, G?dény M, Szász A, Láng I.


National Institute of Oncology, Budapest, Hungary, Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo..


Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) represents 85 % of all malignant lung cancers. In metastatic disease the principle goal of palliative therapy is to prolong survival with least toxicity and best patients' quality of life. Bevacizumab (BEV) has been approved as first line treatment in combination with platinum based chemotherapy and maintenance therapy in NSCLC. BEV can be added safely to several chemotherapeutic agents, however there is no data on coadministration with thermotherapy. Even in localized disease no robust evidence exists about the beneficial effect of loco-regional thermotherapy on overall survival, but it might be used successfully in symptom palliation. In this article a successful co-administration of BEV and hyperthermia is reported in a patient with monolocalized bone metastasis from previously operated NSCLC. This case suggests that electrohyperthermia can probably be incorporated in palliative therapy added not only to radiotherapy or chemotherapy but also to anti-angiogenic BEV treatment.

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