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Ipertermia e farmaci a bersaglio molecolare

L'ipertermia potenzia l'effetto dei farmaci a bersaglio molecolare in un modello sperimentale

 foto di provetteUn modello sperimentale condotto con farmaci a bersaglio molecolare ed ipertermia in Giappone mostra la sinergia tra i due trattamenti.

L'espressione di HER2 e VEGFR risulta ridotta sia dall'ipertermia che dai farmaci a bersaglio molecolare ed inoltre l'apoptosi nelle cellule malate viene indotta in modo sinergico dall'ipertermia e dai farmaci a bersaglio molecolare.

 Gan To Kagaku Ryoho. 2011 Nov;38(12):1924-6.

[Hyperthemia enhances activated lymphocytes and molecular target therapy].

[Article in Japanese]

Takeda T, Hasegawa T, Miyazawa K, Yoshida K, Takeda T, Takeda H, Takahashi T, Yamamoto I, Kobayashi S.


Osaka Cancer Immuno-Chemotherapy Center.


We already informed that a combination therapy of hyperthermia and activated lymphocytes therapy reduced the tumor growth and lung metastasis synergistically in mice model. In this study we treated mice inoculated LLC tumors with hyperthermia or molecular target drugs (erlotinib 25 mg/kg/day and sorafenib 10 mg/kg/day). Both of hyperthermia and molecular target therapy reduced not only tumor growth but also lung metastasis. And a combination therapy of hyperthermia and molecular target therapy reduced more of the tumor growth and lung metastasis synergistically. The expression of HER2 and VEGFR was reduced by hyperthermia and molecular target drugs. Apoptosis was enhanced by hyperthermia and molecular target drugs synergistically.

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