La storia dell'ipertermia contro il cancro


La storia dell'ipertermia contro il cancro

 foto di provette

Un'altra autorevole segnalazione circa il ruolo dell'ipertermia nella terapia integrata del cancro viene dall' MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Dr. Carlo Pastore


The ongoing history of thermal therapy for cancer.

Glazer ES, Curley SA.

Department of Surgical Oncology, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Unit 444, Office FC12.3058, 1400 Holcombe Boulevard, Houston, TX 77030, USA; Department of Surgery, The University of Arizona, 1501 North Campbell Avenue, PO Box 245058, Tucson, AZ 85724-5058, USA.


Through 5,000 years of practice, physicians, surgeons, clergy, or lay people have used thermal therapy to treat mass lesions now known as cancer. The methods have changed dramatically over this time span and certainly the techniques have improved the efficacy and safety. Hyperthermia used in combination with chemotherapy or ionizing radiation continues to improve outcomes. The authors briefly describe the historical role of hyperthermia in cancer care as well as modern expectations based on technological advancements. In particular, the article focuses on the role of hyperthermia for cancers that do not have other, more effective treatments.